A Generous Staff to Guest Ratio and a Generous Spirit Bring Holiday Dreams to Life

A team of equally dedicated and supported staff are the backbone of ÀNI Private Resorts – a collection of private resorts in idyllic corners of Thailand, Sri Lanka, Anguilla, and the Dominican Republic.

Each ÀNI resort offers the exclusivity of a private villa with the amenities of a full-service resort. Offering between 10-15 rooms, luxurious settings, and a swathe of indulgent inclusions, such as daily spa treatments and all food and beverages, they are designed to cater to one exclusive group at a time.

As impressive as they are from a bricks and mortar perspective though, ask any guest who has experienced an ÀNI property, and they’ll tell you the differentiating point is the staff.

The ratio of staff to guests at the resorts is more than one to one, including everything from butlers and personal chefs to private spa therapists and babysitters. All staff are locals who know the area well and who work closely with guests before their arrival to help tailor every detail of their stay.

ANI Thailand team

According to ÀNI Private Resorts CMO, Henny Frazer, the team’s involvement in the minutiae of each guest’s stay, is what really allows the brand to shine and to bring holiday dreams to life.

“What sets us apart is our hands-on team, the ease of stay for our guests, the preparation that occurs before guests arrive, and then a constant search for what people want,” she explained.  

“Our goal is to always anticipate guests’ needs or wants before they do. For example, when they go for a bicycle ride, we have a nice cold beverage ready for them when they get back. When they’re reading a book by the pool in the afternoon, we anticipate their desire for a Pina Colada before they do – and we already know it’s their favourite cocktail because we’ve done the research.”

ÀNI Private Resorts provides extreme luxury but with inimitable levels of warmth and personal touch.

“Our staff are skilled at what they do but they’re also experts at building human connection. We pride ourselves on elevating our luxurious settings and offerings through genuine kinship, and as a result, there are a lot of teary goodbyes. If that’s not the hallmark of a happy holiday, I don’t know what is!” Henny said.

One of ÀNI’s key philosophies is ‘togetherness’, which the company’s founder and owner, Tim Reynolds, built into the fabric of the brand from the beginning. This applies not only to guests, and the opportunity that ÀNI’s remote and exclusive estates afford families to spend quality time together, but also to the wider ÀNI team.

The business works to encourage togetherness, family, and friendship — and that includes all its staff. During the Covid-19 pandemic nobody was furloughed or laid off; and in line with the brand’s vision to help alleviate local suffering, is committed to offering young people in developing countries equal opportunity.

Annie Kelly